The quality of replica jerseys has been enhanced in recent years by companies like Adidas. Although Adidas doesn't have a license with the league any more to be the official jersey provider we can take a look at the quality of the replica swingmans they produced. The material is a bit different than the Pro Revolution 30 Jerseys as its a bit heavier and there are less mesh holes. The numbers and letters are embroidered and not screen printed. The weight and density of the "kit" is on the lighter side. From a distance many swingmans look like authentic jerseys however. The tagging on the bottom right will be identified as a swingman. One other thing it will have is an NBA logo to the left of the tag that sticks out of the jersey in most cases. An Adidas logo will be embroidered on the right sleeve area as well. Overall Adidas did a nice job producing these replica jerseys. There are many out there to be had though new ones can be hard to to find......
Adidas Swingman Jerseys.....
Updated: Aug 28, 2020